Tuesday 16 May 2017

Five Fantastic Tips to Revision

For students, this time of year can become very stressful, after all there’s so much to remember. Everyone can fall into the trap of starting their revision just a little too late and this can cause a great deal of stress. Here are 6 simple tips that can help you to keep your head above water when it comes to revising for your exams.
Be sure to build a time sheet to help you stay on track of what you have been doing and what still needs to be done, prioritising weak subjects and exam order. It is important to include some relaxation time during the planning to ensure you stay stress free and relaxed. Being tired, stressed and overworked will only have a negative effect on your results.  

Prioritise each subject

Any subject that you find particularly weak should be at the top of the list. Subjects that you feel less confident in should get the most revision time. There’s no point dedicating time to subjects that you already know well as it will have no benefit. Instead allocate more time to those that need it, focusing on subjects that you may find hard first. This means that down the line you can look forward to your more favourable subjects. 

Know your leaning style

When you revise its important to remember that not everyone is the same and everyone learns differently. There are many learning style tests on the internet that can help you to discover which learning style is for you. Working out your style can help you to retain information giving you the best possible chance to succeed. Weather you write pages and pages of notes or make bright and colourful diagrams, make sure your revision is going in and not coming out. Some learning styles include:

·         visual: people who prefer to learn by looking at pictures, images and watching videos;
·         verbal: somebody that learns best using speech and writing;
·         aural: these people learn best using sounds and music;
·         physical: people who learn by actively doing something.

Finding out which works best for you can help to maximize your performance and come out with the best results you possibly can.

Maintain a healthy lifestyle

Drinking energy drinks or coffee all day to keep yourself going is not a good idea, maintain a healthy balanced diet. Although it may be much easier to grab a take-away, try to avoid them as they can cause you to be sluggish. Continue to do some regular exercise and take time to relax and unwind. This should help you to keep focused while completing work. Great brain foods include nuts, blueberries, eggs and broccoli.

Avoid distractions

Move yourself to an area with no T.V. or anything that may cause distraction. Find a quiet area in which you are able to focus. If you struggle to do this at home, try heading to your local library or park where you will be unable to distract yourself. Finally, many PCs offer applications that will block your ability to use social media and video/gaming sites. This can be one of the best ways to reduce distraction.
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